EEPDF PCL to PDF Converter Command Line allows you to convert PCL to PDF and make different settings for the converted PDF file, such as encrypt PDF, edit PDF properties, etc.
What’s PCL?
PCL (Printer Control Language) is a print file format of HP (Hewlett-Packard) LaserJet-compatible printers. It can be created from any Windows application by simply “printing to file” with LaserJet-compatible printer and PCL driver, or by redirecting UNIX LaserJet-compatible printer queue to a file. Due to this limit compatibility, sometimes you need to convert the PCL files to PDF documents which are widely compatible on different platforms.
EEPDF PCL to PDF Converter Command Line is a Windows application that can directly convert PCL files to PDF and edit PDF property via command line. In the following contents, you will see how to accomplish this task. Please see the following steps one by one:
1. Please free download EEPDF PCL to PDF Converter Command Line and then install it on the computer. The executable file pcltool.exe where you install the application is the called program for this application and you need to call it in MS-DOS interface.
2. To call the program in MS-DOS interface, please open the command prompt window by clicking the hotkey Windows + R on your keyboard at the same time. Then, please type cmd and click the OK button in the pop-up “Run”dialog box to open the MS-DOS interface.
3. In the opened MS-DOS interface, please follow the command template shown below to write your commands:
pcltool.exe [options] <pcl-file> [<pdf-file>]
To set the PDF properties, please use the following options:
-producer <string>: Set “Producer” to PDF file
-creator <string>: Set “creator” to PDF file
-subject <string>: Set “subject” to PDF file
-title <string>: Set “title” to PDF file
-author <string>: Set “author” to PDF file
If you don’t understand the above template and options, maybe the following example will help you:
pcltool.exe -subject “Christmas” c:\input.pcl c:\out.pdf
This example is to convert the input PCL file in disk C: to PDF and set the PDF subject as “Christmas”.
4. Please hit the Enter button on the keyboard to run the commands.
Then, you can find your target PDF in the specified location.
For free trial of EEPDF PCL to PDF Converter Command Line, please click the following button to download it.