If you need to convert PDF to JPG image with good image quality, the application EEPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line will be a good choice for you.
Image quality is clearly one of the most important features of any camera, if not the most important. It is a characteristic of an image that measures the perceived image degradation (typically, compared to an ideal or perfect image).
EEPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line is a professional command line application for converting PDF to image (JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIF, TGA, PCX, PNM, RAS, PBM, etc.). It also supports to set image quality, resolution, page size, etc. for the converted images.
In the following paragraphs, you will see how to use this application to convert PDF file to JPG image with perfect image quality.
1. Please download EEPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line and unzip the ZIP package to local disk of your computer. In the unzipped folder, there is an executable file named pdf2img.exe which is the called program of this application.
2. To know how to use this application, please open the TXT file named readme.txt in the unzipped folder or input the file path of pdf2img.exe in the opened MS-DOS interface and hit the Enter button on your keyboard.
3. If you still confused about the usage of this application, please open MS-DOS interface in which you are able to input the commands first. Then, please refer to the following command template to write your own commands:
pdf2img.exe -quality <int> <PDF-file> <JPG-file>
In the above template,
pdf2img.exe: call the program
-quality <int>: set quality to JPEG format, from 0 to 100
<PDF-file>: specify the input PDF document
<JPG-file>: specify the output JPG image
For example,
pdf2img.exe -quality 80 C:\in.pdf E:\out.jpg
This example is for converting PDF file to JPG image and set the image quality as 80.
After you input the commands, please hit the Enter button on your keyboard to run the conversion at once. In the MS-DOS interface, you will see the running information when the conversion is successful and over.
In fact, you can set more useful parameters for the JPG image. If you are interested in it, please download EEPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line via the following button.