How to convert PDF to JPG image and optimize JPG quality by command line

Do you want to convert PDF to JPG image and optimize JPG quality? If so, the application EEPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line will be the optimal choice for you.

PDF (Portable Document Format) is a popular file format that is widely used to share, exchange documents with friends, colleagues, etc. However, public or shared computers may not have a PDF viewer installed. To solve this problem, converting PDF document to image may be an alternative to consider.

EEPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line is a professional command line application that can convert PDF to image (JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, PCX, PNM, PBM, RAS, etc.). What’s more, it allows you to set image quality, resolution, etc. for the converted images. The following contents will focus on how to convert PDF to JPG image and set the JPG image quality.

To realize this conversion, please continue read the following contents.

1. Download & unzip

Please free download EEPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line and unzip the downloaded ZIP file to a folder on your computer. In the extracted folder, there is an executable file named pdf2img.exe which is the called program in the MS-DOS command prompt window.

2. Input commands

Please open the MS-DOS command prompt window in which you can input commands. Then, please refer to the following command line template to input your commands.

pdf2img [options] <PDF-file> <img-file>


  • pdf2img: you need to input the full path of the called program—pdf2img.exe.
  • [options]: set parameters for the conversion.
  • <PDF-file>: you need to input the path of the source PDF file.
  • <img-file >: please input the path where you’d like to save the converted JPG image.

To optimize the converted image, you can use the option: -quality <int> which is used to set quality to JPEG format and <int> can be any number from 0 to 100.

For example,

D:\eepdf_pdf2image_cmd\pdf2img.exe -quality 100 F:\alice.pdf F:\alice.jpg

This example is to convert a PDF document named alice.pdf to alice.jpg image and set the image quality as 100.

After inputting the commands, please hit the Enter button on the keyboard to run your commands.

You can check the conversion effect from the following snapshots.

Input PDF file
Input PDF file

Outpu JPG image
Output JPG image

Note: The trial version will leave watermarks on the converted image. To remove the watermarks, please buy the full version of EEPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line.

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