Extract text of specified pages from scanned PDF to Excel

This article would like to help you extract text of specified pages from scanned PDF to Excel in Windows platforms. Here is the method below:

First of all, you need to download installer of EEPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter, then double click it on your computer, and then install EEPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter on your computer with setup wizard.

Second of all, please double click shortcut of EEPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter so that its GUI interface can be opened on your screen.

Third of all, please add your scanned PDF file for this process from scanned PDF to Excel: click “Add PDF Files” > select scanned PDF file in dialog box of “PDF to Excel” > click “Open”, so path of scanned PDF can appear in processing form like below, then please do the followings to get essential prepared work done:

interface of EEPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter

  • To extract text from scanned PDF file, you need to use OCR technology with GUI interface. And you can fulfill it through this way: click one of “OCR PDF file (Language:…)” on dropdown list at right-top corner of GUI interface. For instance, you should click “OCR PDF file (Language: German)” in order to make EEPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter extract accurate German text from this scanned PDF with OCR technology later , if you add a German scanned PDF file
  • Then, you need to set specified pages of scanned PDF: click radio of “Select Range” > type page numbers in edit boxes of “From” and “To”. For example, please type 2 and 3 there if you want to process 2nd and 3rd pages of scanned PDF file later
  • Please set targeting file type on GUI interface: to set it as XLS, please click radio of “MS Excel 97-2003 format (XLS); to set it as XLSX, please click radio of “MS Excel 2007 format (XLSX)” there

dialog box of "Save As"

After you finish the prepared work like above, please click button of “Convert” on GUI interface, then after you get a folder in pop dialog box, please click button of “Save” there, finally, after a while, you can get this process fulfilled successfully on your computer.

So far, you can add your comment here, if you have questions on this process, which is to extract text of specified pages from scanned PDF to Excel. And of course, you can visit homepage of EEPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter, if you need to know more information of EEPDF PDF to Excel OCR Converter.

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