PDF to TGA Converter
TGA is an image format for professional image processing and displaying, which is also widely used on personal computers. PDF file format is a popular file format for exchanging and displaying documents. You can convert your documents of PDF to TGA using the tool named eePDF PDF to TGA Converter.
The page is about the program eePDF PDF to TAG Converter. To try the program for free you can download it here. After the free trial, you can buy an official license for using the unlimited functions here. The main window form of the program is like that presented in the coming screen snapshot. There are three function areas in the main form, the preview area, the “Batch process” area and the “Option” area.
Step 1. In the batch “Batch process” area, there is a table of file list which list those PDF files waiting for being converted. You can drag your PDF files from the Windows Explorer and drop them into the main form of the program to add the PDF files into the file list. Clicking on the item of the file list will preview the corresponding PDF document in the preview area in the left part of the main form.
For converting PDF to TGA, please select “TGA” in the dropdown list of “File type” under the table of file list. The input box of “Destination folder” is for specifying a directory to save the converted images. If the directory is not specified, the default target directory is the same as the one of the source PDF file.
In the group box “Option”, you can set the resolution of converted images in the child group box of “PDF”. The “Page range” is for convert specified pages in the range to images. You can set the color depth of the converted images in the group box of “Image bit count”. The supported bit counts by this program are 1, 4, 8, and 24 bits.
After completing all the required options, press the button of [Convert] under the “Option” group box to start the conversion.
PDF to TGA Converter supports the features as listed below:
Preview the PDF file before conversion without the environment of Adobe Reader.
Convert PDF to various image formats besides TGA.
Set the image resolution in DPI for converted image.
Specify the page range of a source PDF to convert.
Set the color depth of converted TGA images.