PDF Password Unlocker – Unlock PDF File

If you do not wish others to modify the PDF files published by yourself, you can lock those PDF files using the owner password. However, if you have forgotten the owner password, you have to use an application to unlock the PDF file. Here is an application eePDF PDF Password Unlocker which is used to unlock those PDF files locked by an owner password.

To evaluate the application, please download it here. If you need the full function of the application, please buy a license here. The interface of the application is concise and presented in the following screen snapshot.

Step 1. To unlock those PDF files, please drag them from the Windows Explorer and then drop them into the main interface of the application. Then you will see a dialog prompting for a directory to save the new unlocked PDF files. After selecting the directory, the process is implemented immediately, and then those PDF files will be listed in the table. If the PDF files are protected by user passwords which prevent opening them, you have to provide the user password to the application.

PDF Password Unlocker – Unlock PDF File

PDF Password Unlocker supports these features:
Support all Windows platforms – it supports running in Microsoft Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/2008/7 systems of both 32 and 64-bit.
Batch process – it can unlock more than one owner password protected pdf files in a batch process mode.
Instantly retrieve – it unlocks the PDF files instantly after opening them.
Support PDF format of version 1.8 – it supports to unlock files of PDF version 1.8.
Support various decryption methods – it supports to unlock the PDF files encrypted by owner password of 40-bit RC4, 128-bit RC4 and AES.
Independent of Adobe Acrobat – it can decrypt pdf files protected by owner passwords without the environment of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe PDF Reader.

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PDF Password Recovery
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